Wednesday, June 26, 2024


Grief is the soul’s totality—

Quenching color, light, song—

Darkness engulfing light,

Stars and planets twinkling 

At midday, breath stolen,

Chill breeze sweeping warmth away—

The light of God’s own countenance seems

Extinguished in the weeping vale.

Yet, though obscured, the sun still shines,

Undimmed, undamaged, undiminished.

Cosmic pebble nearest pale blue dot

Blocks from this dust speck’s eyes

The giant flaming star round which

Revolves the solar system.

Light flees,

But no sun departs;

Small obstacle in close proximity

Hides its great and glorious distant radiance.

Slithering shadow snakes snap at heels,

Unenvenomed phantom enemies,

No more harming sky-gazers

Than moon can harm sun.

This terror of great darkness,

Portentous and awesome—

Casting beholders facedown in dust and ashes,

In confused anguish and loss,

Foundations shaken—

Lasts only light and momentary minutes,

Measured by eternity’s rule.

However endless seconds seem,

They are but a blink, a breath,

Now, for a little time, if needed,

Until grave is swallowed up in victory.

Soon, soon, and very soon,

We shall always be with the Lord:

No more darkness, no more death;

Sorrow and sighing flee like stars 

At the sun’s resplendent revelation.

In the darkness, we wait.

In the darkness, we trust.

In the darkness, we hope

In unchanging truth:

The sun shines on;

God’s promises fail not;

His faithfulness endures,

While we see it not.

Thursday, June 6, 2024

No Good Thing

Apologies for no audio today. If you need that, please let me know and I’ll add it as soon as may be. I am working towards a better way to do that. ❤️‍🩹🤗

Mammarian clouds at dusk

Bubble clouds at dusk

No good thing—

Truly, unequivocally, particularly good—

Relinquished by the child of God

For the sake of obedience,

Love for Him,

Love for others—

No good thing 

Is ever truly lost,

Only forestalled.

Who am I,

Little woman,

To dream that I can give up

More than the Lord can restore?

In His good time,

He gives good gifts.

In this, I wait;

In this, I hope.

We sow good seeds,


Into the tomb of the earth,

Denying today's pleasure

For Tomorrow's harvest of righteousness.

We may sow in tears

And bellies growling and empty,

But we will reap with shouts of joy.

Your kingdom come. 

We cannot outgive God.

Our troubles will be drowned in glory

We cannot fathom or dream

In our relinquishment.

In the Day of His blessed appearing,

I suspect

I will only regret

Not yielding even more.

Eternity is more than long enough

To surfeit souls with every good and perfect gift.