Monday, November 15, 2021

Bandaged Heart

"He heals the brokenhearted and bandages their wounds."
Psalms 147:3 CSB

Yesterday, reading this verse showed me something new. Healing and bandaging are very different kinds of actions (both needed). Healing can be done from a distance. Jesus healed without touch and without words on occasion.

But bandaging? Bandaging requires touch, close personal contact, and frequent repetition. A healer can't bandage a broken heart or body from a distance. He has to be present, near, attentive, and actively engaged.

If your heart is broken and bleeding today, here is my prayer for you:

May the Lord heal your pain, and in the liminal in-between time, may you experience and believe that He is right next to you, holding your wounded places in His pierced hands, examining and cleansing any trace of infection, and gently bandaging your bruised and battered heart again and again until the Day He wipes away all tears.

In the name of Jesus, who lived, died, rose, and ascended into heaven--